Fish! Sticks to page 37

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     This book centers around Rhonda, a new manager, that has seen changes within her place of employment.  The workplace has been recognized as an example for other departments to follow.  Rhonda soon finds that the everyday stresses of life and work are taking a toll on her otherwise top-notched employees.  She seeks help in finding a way to keep the momentum going.

     I can see East Central in this book.  This year has been exceptionally difficult for third grade teachers.  It is one thing to deal with the kids and all the problems that they come to school with.  When you have all the other stresses in addition to the kids, it becomes overwhelming really quick!  We have had 1.) math workshops, 2.) reading workshops, 3.) GPS training in science while others are beating the death out of English/Language Arts, 4.) two sets of standardized testing with the CRCT requiring a passing score in order to go to the fourth grade, 5.) some parents and students that  act like they do not care grades or passing the test, 6.) breaking down test material in all subjects as simply as you can and still getting Fs, 7.) teachers disregarding rules like no sugary drinks back in the classroom, quiet in the halls, and playground rules while your class questions why no one else has to follow the rules, 8.) extra work handed down from central office, 9.) feeling like more is demanded of you instead of accepting the fact that we are busting our butts everyday doing the best we can, and 10.) not taking into account all the home garbage we come to work with on a daily basis.  Yes, I can definitely see where Rhonda's employees are coming from.

     Do I think that it is the best situation for my kids to be in?  NO!  I have really tried each day to come into work with a positive attitude.  I pray for a positive attitude morning.  I pray for my kids,  my colleagues, Mrs. Wood, and Dr. Ware.  It is a daily struggle.  Some days I am successful, such as today.  Other days, I am wasted by the time the tardy bell rings.  I do not know how to maintain days like today where the stresses did not get to me.  I try to think about the fact that today I might have a big impact on one of my students.  I have to keep that as my focus.  I do not have the answers, but I am hoping that Ishy will be able to help us with that!

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