How Full is Your Bucket Ch 5-6

Chapter 5 in the book dealt with how to make bucket filling personal.  Each person has different  things that make them happy.  For some people they like to be the center of attention and receive praise in a large setting while others may want a quiet pat on the back.  Each person has different likes and needs and in order for their bucket filling to be a success you have to find out what makes them happy. Even a small thing such as calling a person by the name they wished to be called can go a long way in filling their bucket.  Just this small act states that you care enough about them to call them by name.

The last chapter of the book states the 5 strategies for increasing positive emotions.

1.Prevent Bucket Dipping

2.Shine a light on what is right.

3.Make best friends.

4. Give unexpectedly

5.Reverse the golden rule.

The one that I find I use the most is 'Shine a light on what is right'.  In the classroom if you praise the one child doing the right thing you can often deter the one's doing the wrong thing.  This is an action that I use often at school and I am stiving to do more in the future.

This was an excellent book to read to finish my blogging! 


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How Full is Your Bucket Ch 3-4

Chapter 3 of the book discusses the impacts of even the smallest moments.  Although we often think of the big picture the book discusses how even the smallest moment can have a huge impact on a person. The chapter states that 9 out of 10 people say they are more productive if they are surrounded by positive people. The most interesting part of the chapter to me was when they discussed how a parent looks at their child's report card.  For instance if a child has 5 A's and 1 C the immediate first response of most parents is to ask what happened for them to get a C.  The first response was negative and not positive by bringing praise to the large number of A's. I know I will definitely have to think before I speak next time with my own children's report cards.

Chapter 4 discussed how hard it is to change yourself from being a negative person into a positive one.  It stated how the person is usually born with a positive or negative attitude.  People who have a negative outlook are one's who need even more bucket filling to help change them.  With positive influences and lots of bucket filling we are able to  overcome many challenges.

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How Full is Your Bucket Ch. 1-2

This was the first book that after I started reading I could not stop.  Although this book was not focused solely on education I found it to be a great book about how to treat others in general. In chapter one they discussed how everyone has an 'invisible bucket'.  People are considered at their best when their bucket is full and at their worst when their bucket is empty.  Our interactions with others determine how full our bucket is. The part I liked the most was when they described that filling another person's bucket in turn fills our own.  In the school environment the 'bucket filling' is essential.  For me the school is like a community.  And in order for our community to be successful we have to support and help our fellow co-workers.

In chapter two they discussed the importance of praise in the workplace.  The book stated how the number one reason people left their jobs was because they didn't feel appreciated.  The chapter also stated how so many people received little or no recognition at work.  The chapter discussed how a positive attitude can be intrumental in a workplace.  People are more productive when they are surrounded by positive people. I hope to use these chapters to help remind myself how important my  attitude is to everyone else.  If I have a positive attitude I can in turn help the people around me be more positive too.

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Differentiation in Practice Chapters 5-6

This week I was supposed to read the last two chapters from the book. Chapter 5 was a mathematical unit on probability while chapter 6 was a language arts unit on introducing literature circles.  In chapter 5 I was engaged in the part where they discussed homework. In the chapter she explained that it would only make sense to have differentiated homework that fit the  students interests and readiness levels. It also stated how she provided time for her students to share their homework with each other.  This allowed time for her students to see that everyone  was working on the same information/skills.

Chapter 6 discussed literature circles. She described literature circles as a time for students to ask and respond to questions in every role.  The introduction of literature circles roles is done at the beginning of the year. The literature circle is divided into three roles: discussion  director, character creator, and literary luminary. At the end of the chapter there is a special page that describes what each role consists of.

I have really enjoyed the easy layout of this book. This book was in a very 'reader friendly' format.



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Differentiation In Practice Chapters 3-4

This week I was to read chapters 3 and 4 in the book. Chapter 3 was a unit on 'needs, wants, and community helpers' while chapter 4 was a math unit on 'geometric concepts'. While both of these units were far over the heads of kindergarten I liked seeing how they prepared differentiated units. One of the most interesting parts that I liked in these chapters was the 'teacher commentary' section.  This section was directly next to the part of the lesson plan that the teacher was commenting on. Throughout the units I was impressed by the number of times there were ties to writing.  I found this especially interesting due to the recent start of writers workshop.  I think it is a great idea to tie writing into another subject area.  In chapter 4 there was  a lot of focus on the contracts that the students were signing.  These contracts were something that the teacher developed and the students signed so that they agreed to complete their work.  I think they would be awesome to use.  Students need to understand accountability.
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