Fish Sticks!

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Pages 38-77 unfold the plan Rhonda has to get and hopefully keep the sixth floor on track.  After meeting with Ishy, making notes and contemplating about her experience at Ishy's sushi restaurant, Rhonda begins to converse with her co-workers.  She wants to find out how they feel about the job they do at the hospital and what responsibility they possess in the fullfilment of this obligation.  Rhonda's goal is to discover the role each one of the staff members plays in the overall goal of the sixth floor which is to provide quality care to patients within a warm and friendly environment.  Everything seems to be rocking along until a new vice-president of nursing is hired by the hospital that does not agree with what is going on and she immediately questions what Rhonda is doing.  Miss Scallpell ditches the visual reminders that Rhonda has in place and she has to take another approach.

This book brings up a very important point related to our school.  What is the vision we have for the students at East Central and what role do the individual faculty members play in that vision.  For me, the role is clear cut.  I am to teach the gifted resource students to the best of my ability and make sure they are engaged in activities to stimulate their minds outside the regular classroom.  I am also their advocate and my hope is that I can acquire some materials that will be helpful to the regular classroom teachers that will take the burden off of them in the teaching and enriching of these higher level students.


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