Fish Sticks

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The end of this book reveals all three steps involved in bringing your vision to life.  A group of workers from the sixth floor of Good Samaritan return to the sushi restaurant to find out what came next after you had discovered your IT (vision).  Living your vision and allowing yourself to be coached by others and being willing to coach others were the steps Ishy revealed to them.  After trying to get things going the group returns and wants Ishy to provide a list of things or suggestions of things that worked for them at the restaurant.  Ishy said that that was not possible because it was up to them to discover a plan that would accomplish the desired environment on the sixth floor.

One of the things I take from this book is that in the work place things will not gel unless everyone works toward the same goal or vision.  We are in the business of educating children and even though we have our own classrooms and sets of students, we still need to work together to take each and every child from kindergarten to sixth grade.  If anyone teacher fails to do his or her part on a daily basis, we fail the child.  Another point I have learned from this book is no matter how long we have been teaching, each and everyone of us can improve and become a better educator.  We need to be willing to try new programs and ways of doing our job.  We also need to take the time to help others and share what seems to work in certain situations.  I thingk we often fail to realize that just because it worked once doesn't mean it will work in every situation.  Now, I'm off to try and live my IT.

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