FISH STICKS! week three

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A key part of Rhonda's story occurs when her stepdaughter is killed.  The emotional devastation she feels causes her to withdraw from the FISH process.  This is actually an opportunity for her coworkers to "step up" and continue the work Rhonda was doing.  A pivotal character becomes Ms. Scallpell, the new director of nursing.  It is revealed that Ms. Scallpell is a founding member of the FISH ideals.  Under Ms. Scallpell’s direction the sixth floor of Good Samaritan Hospital begins to push themselves to find ways to make their changes stick.  They decide to divide into three implementation teams each with a different task: Find IT, Live IT, and Coach IT.  Each group is challenged to find a way to spread their new work philosophies with the rest of the hospital. The Find IT team came up with the idea of challenging employees to think deeply about their work lives.  They built a gate display and erected it in the hospital lobby.  The Live IT team came up with the idea of a photographic display showing employees in the act of living their IT.  And the Coach IT team published cards challenging each employee to discuss their mission with another employee and passing on the card deck until all were gone.     

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