Entries "March 2006":

Monday, March 20, 2006

How Full Is My Bucket? week 2

Week Two 27 - 64

Chapter Two: Positivity, Negatvity and Productivity

BOY!  This chapter really hit home.  I have worked at a school which was dogged by negativity, frustration and therefore high absenteeism.  I felt unapprepriated and downright ill-treated. I had major health issues which lead to a major surgery, I put on 30 lbs and constantly fought depression.  And like 65% of Americans I left this situation due to feeling unapprepriated.

Chapter Three: Every Moment Counts

 The magic ration!  It takes 5 positive comments to equalize the effect of 1 negative.  So, Negativity has more power than Positivity.  Watch Out! 

If positive emotions promote health, is it therefore true that positive, happy students will do well academically?  How can teachers even begin to balance the chaos and negativity of most student homes?  All we can do is TRY!

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Posted by: AGuilford    in: My entries
How Full Is Your Bucket? Week One

Week One thru page 26

Who doesn’t know negativity kills?  The story of the American POW was so disturbing.  It is true that if a person’s spirit dies, their body soon follows.

When reading this part, I couldn’t help but think of the times I was mired in negativity.  When I stepped back, I could see the effect I was having on those I love most.  It is always a powerful motivation to change my attitude!

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Posted by: AGuilford    in: My entries