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In the second section of Fish Sticks by Stephen C. Lundin, Ishy expounds more on her ideas of vision moments and finding the IT in these moments. Ishy defines IT as "your personal piece of the vision" (39). Ishy instructs Rhonda that the best way to find IT is by talking to others about what they are creating. Rhonda approaches several of her coworkers on an individual basis either in the breakroom or at lunch and askes them very probing questions about commitment, success, and support. 

Rhonda begins to see a real change in the energy of her staff which is immediately challenged by the arrival of a new hospital supervisor who does not share in the vision. However, the staff does not let the supervisor's cold demeanor and reluctance to their way of operating dampen their spirits. Instead, the nurses, forming a task force, visit Takara Too to gain further insight into creating the vision they want.

Many aspects of this book will affect my teaching and my attitude toward our profession. I was struck by Tako's remark: "We think about who we are being  while we do the work that we are doing (71). At this stage in my career as an educator, I find Ishy's questions useful to ask myself: "To what I am I really committed? What does success look like for my students? How can I support my students and the teachers who instruct them?" Ishy's ideas are particularly impressive in that she is giving advice about running a successful business while she is actually running one. She is current and knows what is effective because she has a record of success and continues to be successful.

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