Revisiting The Reading Workshop (chapters 4-6)

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Before I had read these three chapters, I tried some of the techniques listed in the past chapters.  I had some of my students buddy read and discuss our pre-decodable book.  This worked out well for both the students and myself.  It actually gave them practice before reading and sharing with me.  I plan to continue this with more of my students.  After reading the next few chapters, I learned more about mini lessons, and have actually thought of ways to implement them on a kindergarten level.  I plan to do my reading group a little differently from now on.  I am going to go with the book and model for a few weeks before I turn them loose on their own, but then, I want to see them talking to each other about the story, different grammar marks used, and different elements that they may discover.  I'll let you know how it works!  Until next time...  

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