Fish! Sticks (2nd part)

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While reading the second part of Fish! Sticks, I found myself dwelling on my attitude toward work, students, parents, and other cohorts.  It is very important that we all bring our "IT" to work everyday.  We all play a part in making East Central the school to send kids to.  We also pave the students' attitudes toward school.  I really have to make a conscious effort not to be sarcastic or say things that I will later regret.  I feel like you have to be true! If you say you are who you are, then you have to live it and show everyone else around you to build that reputation and trust. I feel like my part at East Central is to smile and show the students, parents, and my cohorts that I care about them.  Granted, I know it isn't always that way, but I am a working progress!  What is your "It" for East Central?  Do you "BRING IT" everyday?

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