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Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Fish! Sticks (last few chapters)

Fish! Sticks was a very good book.  I highly recommend it for everyone in any job situation.  The whole book just explains how we should communicate our thoughts, feelings, and ideas to others so that we have a positive work environment for everyone involved.  A lot of times it seems as if our thoughts, feelings, and ideas are never heard, but keep on believing!  Live your life through your actions as much as you do through your mouth and eventually you will be "COACHING" people you never thought you could or would be able to coach!  When things seem to be negative, try to find a positive!  My Kindergarten ladies live this everyday.  They are always the first ones to point out a positive on a bad day!  I love my girls!!!!!

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Posted by: AHembree
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Fish! Sticks (2nd part)

While reading the second part of Fish! Sticks, I found myself dwelling on my attitude toward work, students, parents, and other cohorts.  It is very important that we all bring our "IT" to work everyday.  We all play a part in making East Central the school to send kids to.  We also pave the students' attitudes toward school.  I really have to make a conscious effort not to be sarcastic or say things that I will later regret.  I feel like you have to be true! If you say you are who you are, then you have to live it and show everyone else around you to build that reputation and trust. I feel like my part at East Central is to smile and show the students, parents, and my cohorts that I care about them.  Granted, I know it isn't always that way, but I am a working progress!  What is your "It" for East Central?  Do you "BRING IT" everyday?

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Posted by: AHembree
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fish! Sticks

I am reading Fish! Sticks.  So far, I can relate to the book.  It is very easy to be excited in the beginning and then go into a "cruise control".  Rhonda is trying to keep the energy level of her colleagues high, but keeps comparing herself to a previous department head.  I can't wait to see what Rhonda learns about keeping good attitudes in the work place in a way that fits her personality and style.

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Posted by: AHembree
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Revisiting The Reading Workshop (Chapters 7-8)

In chapter 7, the authors discuss how to initiate independent reading through an orderly classroom environment, sharing a teachers passion for reading, reading with others, story chats, and guided reading.  I agree with the authors because I have seen this in my own classroom.  The love for reading has grown exponentially since I have been conducting a "readers workshop" type environment.  The students love to read to me, but I am surprised at how they enjoy grouping up and taking turns reading and discussing books.   The chapter gets more interesting when the authors suggest different ways to conference and allow the children to respond to different texts.  I plan to use these type questions during my reading workshops.

In chapter 8, different forms and types of assessment are shown to aid in a productive analysis of student reading and work.  At this time, I do not use any forms because the students are just now learning to read; however, before the year is over I want them to be able to produce a true "log" that they will be doing in some first grade classes.

Overall, this book has helped put a true meaning to "The Reading Workshop".  I have really enjoyed my reading time this year because of the workshop aspect.  I plan to continue with this student-centered environment and bring in new ideas from this book.

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Posted by: AHembree
Monday, February 13, 2006

Revisiting The Reading Workshop (chapters 4-6)

Before I had read these three chapters, I tried some of the techniques listed in the past chapters.  I had some of my students buddy read and discuss our pre-decodable book.  This worked out well for both the students and myself.  It actually gave them practice before reading and sharing with me.  I plan to continue this with more of my students.  After reading the next few chapters, I learned more about mini lessons, and have actually thought of ways to implement them on a kindergarten level.  I plan to do my reading group a little differently from now on.  I am going to go with the book and model for a few weeks before I turn them loose on their own, but then, I want to see them talking to each other about the story, different grammar marks used, and different elements that they may discover.  I'll let you know how it works!  Until next time...  

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Posted by: AHembree
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