Fish Sticks (thru page 39)

Comments: 1    

This book has some good ideas in it.  It is about a woman who is promoted to a position previously held by a real "go getter".  The person who held the job before, was very successful in creating a good working environment and this woman is afraid she cannot keep up this level of motivation.  She learns that the some successes come from putting the customer first and doing little things to make them happy.  I totally agree with this because nothing puts me off of a business/restaurant more than poor service or not being treated well.  From previous hospital experiences, I would think this would be very important in that environment.  The only thing I did not like about the book was the simplicity of the language.  The conversations between the people seem very juvenile.

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GJones on March 20, 2006 at 6:11 PM
Pro's/Con's ? Was this the best book in circulation so far?


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