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Craft Lessons: Teaching Writing K-8

Pages 1- 13

Overall the book is user friendly and the activities are easily employable. The section regarding "responses" on pages 8 and 9 was especially pertinent for me as a teacher. Responding first as a reader to students' writing helps understand the content, meaning, and emotional force. Being positive and remarking more on the things students do right at the beginning of the year will help pave the way for more critical analysis as the year goes on. The students will have confidence in themselves as writers and be more open to applying new features. Trying to understand the writer's intention requires listening. By listening intently, one will be able to teach new skills within a framework of understanding and mutual respect. The best part of this section invites one to "lower expectations." Aahhh! However, as I reread this a couple of times, it made  sense to focus on a select number of skills until proficiency or mastery and then add on new skills. What a relief! I dreaded grading students' writing because I was tackling too much at once. See you next time.

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