Entries "February 2006":

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fish Sticks

Pages 77-122

Miss Scallpell pitches in and joins the team when personal tragedy causes Rhonda to temporarily leave the team. As can happen in life, just as things are going "swimmingly," tragedy can strike. Many times those of us who are "left" have to carry on and make sure the "vision moments" stay alive and continue.This requires commitment at all levels to continue the challenges of attitude and performance. The members of the team actually reuse some of the previously discarded symbols to remind them of their purpose. Just goes to prove that all the "stuff" I "pack-rat" away can be used sooner or later! Photos are also used, and finally, as we do when a job is well done, they celebrate their teamwork.

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Posted by: DWashington    in: My entries
Thursday, February 9, 2006

Fish Sticks

Pages 38-77

     Communication, vision, and really listening.These are the essentials in helping to implement effective, motivating changes in the workplace. Rhonda begins to see this as she puts in place some of Ishy's suggestions. It is equally important that I, as a teacher, communicate and listen to my students, not only as a group, but also on an individual basis. Sometimes it becomes necessary when trying to stay "true" to the vision, and yet meet job expectations, to be flexible and willing to try "Plan B." It is important that we all work together as a team, and yet not loose sight of our student's individual needs. Communication, keeping the vision alive and really listening can make a huge difference in attitudes and motivation!

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Posted by: DWashington    in: My entries
Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Fish Sticks

 Pages 1-37

 Remember  the first day of school when we were younger and so excited? The excitement fills the air at first. But, sometimes as time goes by, that excitement fades away.  Fish Sticks addresses the need we have (in my case as a teacher) to reach the spirits and souls of those we work with. It is equally important that I as a teacher, keep alive that spirit  and excitement about learning in my classroom. Rhonda, as a new manager, stated what can happen  in the workplace as we get  weighed down by stress and the various problems that occur. Sometimes it is easy to forget to see them as "opportunities!"  Change is a way I as a teacher, can help keep this excitement alive and growing. It is very often easier to just continue to do things the same old way. As a teacher, I need to be aware of new and exciting ideas to keep my students motivated and focused and excited about learning.

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Posted by: DWashington    in: My entries