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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Revisiting The Reading Workshop

Chapters 7-8

    A more indepth look is given into flexible grouping, program management forms, chatting, independent reading and responding to student reading, and book talks.Specific activities for teachers, students, and other adults participating in the various sessions, is discussed. A brief discussion is also given of using guided reading. A comparision is made between D.E.A.R. time, guided reading and the reading workshop. This is helpful to those of us who use the Direct Instruction guided reading program, as well as those who use the reading workshop. Reading to younger students and book talks with older students can be very beneficial to my students as well. I think the reading workshop program can be adapted to meet the  individual needs of my students and help to motivate them to read, read, read!

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Posted by: DWashington
Friday, March 17, 2006

Revisiting The Reading Workshop

Chapters 4-6

In this section, day-to-day lesson plans incorporating the workshop model are given. The workshop approach to teaching reading is  again emphasized by the authors. Writing, along with literature, is also given importance by the authors. Teachers are allowed the opportunity to actually use the workshop approach, and tailor it to their student's specific needs, thus allowing for more positive results to be obtained. As these positive results are viewed by other teachers, the workshop model becomes more widely accepted and used by fellow teachers. This approach is especially valuable to me as a teacher of special needs children. It can be modified to fit their individual needs and skills. Time is given  for teachers and students to become  familar and comfortable with this approach and to adapt it to individual classrooms.

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Posted by: DWashington
Friday, March 10, 2006

Revisiting The Reading Workshop

In Chapters 1-3, Reading Workshops are compared to the traditional reading programs. Teachers are instructed as to what composes these workshops. Major emphasis is placed on student involvement and choosing their own material. Alternate forms of assessment and continual writing are also encouraged. I especially like the emphasis on continual writing as this is often an area of weakness for my older students. The Reading Workshop block begins with a mini lesson. Reading aloud is then followed by independent reading, responses, reflections, and sharing. All of these are skills my students can benefit from.This is a program that I can modify to  meet the individual needs  and styles of my students.

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Posted by: DWashington
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fish Sticks

Pages 77-122

Miss Scallpell pitches in and joins the team when personal tragedy causes Rhonda to temporarily leave the team. As can happen in life, just as things are going "swimmingly," tragedy can strike. Many times those of us who are "left" have to carry on and make sure the "vision moments" stay alive and continue.This requires commitment at all levels to continue the challenges of attitude and performance. The members of the team actually reuse some of the previously discarded symbols to remind them of their purpose. Just goes to prove that all the "stuff" I "pack-rat" away can be used sooner or later! Photos are also used, and finally, as we do when a job is well done, they celebrate their teamwork.

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Posted by: DWashington
Thursday, February 9, 2006

Fish Sticks

Pages 38-77

     Communication, vision, and really listening.These are the essentials in helping to implement effective, motivating changes in the workplace. Rhonda begins to see this as she puts in place some of Ishy's suggestions. It is equally important that I, as a teacher, communicate and listen to my students, not only as a group, but also on an individual basis. Sometimes it becomes necessary when trying to stay "true" to the vision, and yet meet job expectations, to be flexible and willing to try "Plan B." It is important that we all work together as a team, and yet not loose sight of our student's individual needs. Communication, keeping the vision alive and really listening can make a huge difference in attitudes and motivation!

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Posted by: DWashington
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