Entries "February 2006":

Monday, February 20, 2006

Fish Sticks pages 78-122

In the last part of this book Rhonda has a tragic loss in her life, her step daughter is killed in an accident. During this time her new boss, Mrs. Scallpell, comes and helps Rhonda. This  makes  Rhonda to look at her in a new light. Rhonda's employees also step up while their boss is gone from work. The team focuses on the three principles that help Takara Too stay in business. These principles are  Find IT, Live IT and Coach IT. These three principles can be applied in any profession. We also need a vision as teachers to help our children be successful. We have to be willing to take action in our classrooms!I enjoyed reading and watching the staff at the hospital grow as a team.

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Posted by: EWalker    in: My entries
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Fish Sticks pages 38-77

After Rhonda leaves the sushi resturant she goes back to work and looks for ways to uplift her employees so that they will have the IT vision. She asks them all questions about their work and tries to understand what they feel and what they are thinking. She tries to make all of the staff, new and old, feel a part of the team. She takes some of them back to the sushi resturant so that they can experiance and see the vision that she saw when she first went. The staff seems ready for a change and for something new. I think this story applies to all professions, teaching, nursing, and working in a resturant. When we start our career we have so many goals which we can lose sight of if we let ourselves get caught up in other things. We have to remember why we are here doing what we are are doing. We have to stay focused on that so we can make an impact on our students lives.

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Posted by: EWalker    in: My entries
Monday, February 6, 2006

Fish Sticks! pages 1- 37

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a very easy read and one that I feel we can all identify with. The story is about a lady named Rhonda who is now in a lead position at her hospital is having a hard time keep her employees spirits up so they can react to patients in an upbeat manner. When a patient needs help the nurses are ignoring the calls or taking their time before they help the patients. I often feel that as teachers if our morale is low it really effects our students as well as the rest of the people that we work with. I look forward to reading on in this book to see what Rhonda does to help her employees.

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Posted by: EWalker    in: My entries