Finding IT

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After developing a vision for the whole group, each person is supposed to find his/her individual IT.  On page 40, Lundin tells us the only way to find our IT inside the vision is to talk about work with coworkers.  A lot of times, the only place I can do that with other teachers is at the lunch table.  Sometimes we do talk about work, but many days we just want to relax and take a break from the world of work. 

I think I've always had a sense of IT.  In the world of music, because you don't work on a team or grade level, it's easy to feel outside the loop.  It's hard for me to see the BIG PICTURE!  My sense of what I'm supposed to do on my job is to get students to be able to read music before they leave East Central.  We work on that all the time.  Outside of the curriculum I teach, what is my part of the vision for East Central?  In the story, the characters were encouraged to talk with each other about their work.  Maybe typing a blog is the best way with our crazy schedule to communicate with each other.  I've taught in several systems--I'm wondering if East Central does this vision thing better than other schools or could we improve?

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