Fish Sticks

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The last pages of FISH STICKS deal with a death in the author's family.  Reading that so soon after the Tillmans died made me think back to how my church got involved in helping that family deal with their loss.  The closeness of the group of nurses came through when Rhonda had lost her stepdaughter.  The way they stepped in and organized help, meals, cleaned Rhonda's house, etc., showed a real committment to their team and its members.  Do we have that kind of closeness at East Central?  I know we have the Sunshine Fund, but how close are we?  Are we really connected?

It's scary to think how much of our lives is spent at work.  Thinking of East Central in that way makes me glad to be at our school.  I have worked in other systems and schools where I felt very unconnected, much like Juan did in the story.  I am thankful for the staff at East Central, and even though our school day doesn't allow us much connecting time, I feel I am a part of our school in ways that I never did in other schools where I have taught! 

I liked the idea of coaching each other--I'd like a day to observe other teachers teach.  I know I could learn from them.  I'd like more of an opportunity to converse with them about the specifics of East Central's vision and my own IT.  I'd like to know the IT of others on our staff! 

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