How Full is Your Bucket?--Part 2

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The magic ratio:  5-1.  That's to say that five positive comments to 1 negative comment is the ratio that brings the greatest productivity.  Teacher morale is down in America.  Perhaps that is because we receive so little recognition or praise for what we do.  I remember watching a recent episode on 20/20.  It was a segment which pointed a finger at teachers in our country, saying that we were failing.  Students from other countries were given the same test as American students--we did not do well.  After watching a bit of that program, I had to change the channel--I was so depressed because it was all so negative.

In our everyday life at East Central, we have many reasons to feel positive about our work.  We have a fine principal who supports us and gives us freedom to do our jobs.  We have fine families who are bringing up fine students for us to teach.  We have materials needed for teaching.  Yet, many times I feel negative at work.   I suppose it is because we are all so busy that we don't have much time to interact with each other as teachers.  It's hard to work day after day, doing my best on my job, if I don't have the positive feedback mentioned in this section of the book.  That makes me realize how I need to look for opportunities to give positive feedback to my fellow teachers--if I need it, then they must need it as well.

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