Fish Sticks

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Page 77 through end

People change.  Suddenly Rhonda's daughter dies.  Nurse Scappell takes charge of arrangements.  Her true character emerges.  Death leads others into taking an acccount of their lives and their priorities.  Naturally, the death tested commitment because Rhonda could no longer devote 100% of her time and energy in leading the 6th floor.  Others stepped up to the plate.  They began to implement FIND IT, LIVE IT, and COACH IT by dividing into teams and addressing each of the three elements.  They returned to Takara Too to learn the real secret to building and keeping an effective organization.  That is, they learned to blaze their own trail.  Using their own creativity and imagination each team came up with activities and actions to lead newcomers as well as reenergize oldtimers in the vision.  They put their ideas to test and learned that rituals and symbols indeed helped to keep the vision alive.  Actually, conversations took place as the result of rituals and symbols.  The theme of the success is certainly revolving around conversations among fellow workers.

This book interested me into thinking of ways to do our best as teachers.  Our mission statement has been directed upon us:  NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND.  We face the task to make these words come alive in our daily activities.  Each teacher is to FIND IT, individual vision statements of the meaning of NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND.  Talk with others about the vision statement.  Then LIVE IT through walking out the vision.  Finally, COACH IT to newcomers.  Once everyone has read this book, we could meet to discuss the meanings of individual visions.  Form teams and converse.....

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