Craft Lessons

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This week's readings addressed 13 more writing lessons.  As I found when reading about the first second set and again in this set of readings, the author has compiled many examples and samples for us to try in the classroom.  I especially appreciated the contributing writers comments about "there is no right way" to teach writing.  Good writers learn by first becoming good readers.  It is in reading where one establishes a foundation to experiment with various writing methods.  This weeks readings addresses ways to emphasize setting, flashback, irony, symbolism, and circular ending so as to create interest in the story being written.  I have found myself pausing when the class has been reading The Golden Goblet to bring out points the author is making in her choice of words, change of scenes, internal monologue, etc.  I direct students to some of the colorful words and commented on ways to also use colorful wirds in personal writing.

Although not part of the assigned reading, the book's FAQ section contains interesting and helpful ways to implement some of the lessons.

I have enjoyed reading this book.  I plan to implement some of the lessons in future writing assigments this year.

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