Revisiting the Reading Workshop Chapters 1-3

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I'm reading Revisiting the Reading Workshop, by Barbara Orehovec and Marybeth Alley.   The first chapter of this book really made a strong argument for reading workshops and how benefical they are for young readers.  It focused on the elements of the workshops and what each element should accomplish.  This chapter also compaired traditional practices for teaching reading and the reading workshop approach.  This was a eye opener for me as I thought back on my own experiences as a young reader.  Reading was a task and not something you did for enjoyment when I was taught in elementary school.  I personally can see the advantages to using the workshop approach.  

Chapter two touched on the ins-and-outs of organization of the reading workshop.  It discussed knowing your reasons and priorities for using a reading workshop.  It also went into detail about what a reading workshop classroom should look like and how it should operate. 

Chapter three began to deal with actually getting ready to implement the reading workshop and its structure.  It touched on planning things from mini-lessons to your expectations of what will happen in your reading workshops. 



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