Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Grades Chapters 1-4

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Chapter 1 can be summerized by a single statement.  Students can develop understanding of math and math concepts themselves.  This, inturn, developes confidence by being engaged in doing the mathematics.  Teaching math effectively is to meet them on their level so new ideas are created so that students can make connections in mathematics.  This combines an understanding of how children learn, learning through problem solving, and assessing through daily basis. 

Chapter 2 deals with developing early number concepts and number sense.  Numbers are complex concept for childern to grasp.  A firm grasp of numbers and concepts covers many ideas and skills.  Children come to school with many concepts and ideas about numbers.  These ideas should be built on as children work to develope new ideas.  Developing these concepts takes time and experience and grows the further concepts to come in later school years. 

Chapter 3 discusses children connecting different meanings, interpretations, and relationships to the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division so students can use these operations in real-world settings.  Operation sense is the focus of this chapter and how to develope this concept.  This is a firm grasp of the operations and the meanings they take on real life.

Chapter 4 touches on basic facts in addition (subtraction) and multiplication (division).  These are problems where both addends and both factors are less than 10.  Mastering a basic fact means that a child can give a response to a problem in about three seconds without resorting to counting or other less efficient means of calculation.  Children, all children, can develop these tools to help them master these basic facts.




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