Craft Lessons-3rd reading

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What can I say?! I want to keep this book in my classroom. There are too many ideas to absorb so I need it in my room to refer to and to use. The readings continue with practical, focused mini lessons on craft. There are suggestions for focusing on character such as describing a character or the inner life of a character.It even has a lesson on person versus nature and using a parallel story. There is a lesson on crafting a lead and on 'the give-away' lead. There are several lessons on endings - experiment with endings, a circular ending, emotional endings, and surprise endings. This section ends with crafting a title. In fourth grade, I feel we focus on : implicit understandings in reading/writing, sensory and descriptive reading/writing, and in general alot more emotion in reading/writing. These can be difficult for this age group - to step out of self - and see a larger picture. While we use many strategies to guide students in this direction, the Craft Lessons will add and enrich what we currently do. I look forward to the writers workshop. Can I keep the book? : )

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