Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Chapter 5-8

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CHAPTER 5 - DEVELOPING FRACTION CONCEPTS The chapter begins with several ideas for models of fractions for students to explore. This chapter connected with the last math workshop 4th grade attended. At the workshop as in this chapter we were allowed to explore using different models the concept of fractions. It was quite fun . . . and could lead in many, many , many discoveries. CHAPTER 6 - FRACTION COMPUTATION Some good ideas exploring common multiples, adding, subtracting, mixed numbers, muliplication, division - very interesting - as the book notes - we should practice these examples. Some are very difficult to follow - require deep thinking from students. CHAPTER 7 - DECIMAL AND PERCENT CONCEPTS AND DECIMAL COMPUTATIONS This chpater deals with connecting the two representational systems. There are good activites I would like to find time and appropriate spot for students to complete. Activity 7.7, 7.8, and 7.9. are very good - easy to do-and lead to further understanding by students. Great closing activity! CHAPTER 8 GEOMETRIC THINKING AND GEOMETRIC CONCEPTS This chapter begins with van Hiele levels of geometric thought - level 0 visualization to level 4 rigor. Then it goes into the characteristics of the levels and instruction for the different levels. There is alot of exploration and examination and reflection by the student - good thinking. It refers to the NCTM website as a resource for manipulatives.

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