Revisitiing The Reading Workshop chapters 7 & 8

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Chpater 7 deals with 'reading as real readers' - independent reading, conferring, responding, and sharing. It provides great guidance and tools (checklists, story chats, suggested questioning, etc) to create a successful readers workshop. It says for teachers to share their own passion for reading (important in all subjects i think), creating an orderly environment, helping with book choice, how to have students read with each other, and successful story chats among students. It also talks about guided reading and flexible reading groups. The chapter continues with how to confer with students. It gives great pointers on how to keep track, different times and different types of conferring and how to have conversations about reading and how to respond thorugh writing. Chapter 8 is about assessment in the reading workshop. It has practical ways and tools for ongoing assessment - observation, anecdotal records, checklists, running records, analysis, oral retellings, written retellings, reading logs, and journal responses. It has exmples of rubrics, reading inventory. good ideas - good book!

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