17 Essentials Qualities of a Team Player chapters 1-6

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This is another great book for me at this moment in time. Seeing the title I wasn't too sure how this would apply in the classroom - it may be more appropriate for the business world - but this is hitting home for me, for the classroom, and for our work environment.

Chapter 1 is entitled adaptable.I love the quotes given - "inflexibility is one of the worst failings."  " blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape." Chapter 1 gives a marvelous story on life and experiences of Quincy Jones. He has reflected amazing adaptability - his flexibility and creativity have served him well and challenges have not been a problem for him because of his adaptability. Adaptable people: teachable; emotionally secure; creative; and service minded. To become more adaptable the chapter says to get in to the habit of learning; reevaluate your role; and think outside the lines (good story of Napoleon Bonaparte).

Chapter 2 is titled collaborative.This chapter gives the sotry of a Nazi prisoner of war camp where the prisoners worked together to create the Great Escape. Collaboration is working together aggressively - cooperation is working together agreeably. To be a collaborative team player : perception; see teammates as collaborators, not competitors; attitude - be supportive, not suspicious: focus, on team not self;and results, create victories through multiplication.

 Chapter 3 is committed - there are no half-hearted champions. Great story on Jonas Salk - Hernan Cortes. Some things on commitment - usually is discovered in the midst of adversity; "the hearder you work, the harder it is to surrender". commitment does not depend on gifts or talents; commitment comes as a result of choice not conditions; and commitment lasts when it is based on values. To improve your commitment tie your commitments to your values, take a risk . . .'nobody who ever gave his best regretted it'.

Chapter 4 is communicative - a team is many voices with a single heart. Communicative players   . . . do not isolate themselves from others; make it easy for them to communicate; follow the 24 hour rule; give attention to potential difficult relationship; and follow up important communication in writing. To improve your communication . . .be candid, be quick, and be inclusive.

Chapter 5 is competent . . another great quote - "people forget how fast you did a job - but they remember how well you did it." To improve your competence  . . . focus yourself professionally; sweat the samll stuff; and give more attnetion to implememtation.

Chapter 6 is dependable. Great story on Christopher Reeve. The essence of dependability . .  pure motives; responsibility; sound thinking; and consistent contribution. To improve your dependability . . . check your motives; discover what your word is worth; and find someone to hold you accountable. 

Now to transfer this to work and to the students. I' 


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