Reading Workshop

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I was excited about the book that 1st grade began with.  I have been hearing about Reading Workshop for a while now and I have been trying to implement it to the best of my ability, but I did not have any directions in hand.  I am working through slowly, but I have already read the book.  I am now going back to take each area one step at a time.  I have small groups in place and have.  They work really well.  I do guided reading in small groups and I have some independent reading going on during this time.  I began today doing a Read Aloud and plan to do that each day.  I love having so many suggestions and tried and true ideas at my finger-tips!  I am planning on interviewing and conferencing with my children about how they feel about reading and what type of books they like to choose.  So far, so good!  I am excited.

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