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    Chapter 4 of Revisiting Readers' Workshop emphasizes the teaching of procedures that the students need to understand before feeling successful in the Reading Workshop.  Routines are explained and suggestions made to help the student become comfortable because comfort is conducive to learning.  Examples were presented and time frames for implementing the procedures were given.  A list of recommended books for mini-lessons was a useful tool to include in a teacher's guide.  Even procedures for selecting a book nook was included  and 20 days of mini-lessons were provided.  I liked the strategies offered for choosing a "just right" book. 

     Chapter 5 offered background information on the most important strategies and skills to teach in a reading workshop.  Reading strategies are essential for constructing meaning and and reading skills for understanding the text.   These lessons are to be taught time and time again to be effective.  A step-by- step plan  for instructing strategy and skill was concise, thorough and easy to understand.  The sample reading mini-lessons are well designed and easy to follow.  The suggestions of " it's like listening to the author's whispers" is a melodic way of guiding inference.  The authors show flexibility and allowance for individuality by telling  different ways proficient students "look back" and reflect on a book.  Detailed lesson plans were shown on each of the eight reading strategies to be taught.   A list of recommended books for teaching skills is very helpful for the teacher considering using this method. 

     Chapter 6 explores teaching literary elements and techniques of readers' workshop.  A listing and explanation of mini-lessons on literary elements and ways students can analyze a text was in the book and samples of literary technique mini-lessons that encourage carry-over and application of these techniques to their own writing.

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