Getting Excited About Data- Combining People, Passion and Proof to Maximize Student Achievement

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Getting Excited About Data builds upon the bestselling first edition to provide additional guidance and support for educators who are "ready, willing and able" to explore more sophisticated uses of data. New tools and activities facilitate active engagement with data and a collaborative culture of collective responsibility for the learning of all students.

Precise and on target, this excellent new resource enables educators to effectively use their schools' data to respond to the challenges of the No Child Left Behind Act, providing:

A knowledge base emphasizing the role of data in school effectiveness and successful change; A focus on tapping the professional passion of dedicated educators who want to work for the benefit of students from an intrinsic motivation prespective; Group activities that energize people in collaboratiave efforts; Key questions to identifiy sources of the proof of success necessary to stimulate confidence and further action; A clear understanding of the need for "up close, in real time: assessment to balance high stakes, external tests; and Information on how to utilize data to establish priorities and integrate accountability requirements with goals that are data based and grounded in school values.

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