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Monday, March 13, 2006

131 Creative Strategies for Reaching Children with Anger Problems

Years ago Charles H. Spurgeon noted, "Anger is temporary insanity." For most people, blouts of anger are temporary. For children , anger is quite common as they learn to deal with life's frustrations. Many children learn how to cope with anger at a young age while others will take several years to finally gain self-control. The children that struggle need to be surrounded by caring and patient adults who are willing to teach anger management skills and who also model positive ways of dealing with anger.

This book provides counselors, teachers, parents, and other professionals numerous strategies for reaching children with anger problems. Although, this book can be useful with children of all ages, its main focus is on children in grades k-8.

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Posted by: NWare
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The 17 Essential Qualities Of A Team Player- Becoming the Kind of Person Every Team Wants

From schoolrooms to boardrooms, the word teamwork is becoming more and more important. Organizations of all types accomplish more when people work together. But ultimately, a team is simply a collection of individuals. The challenge for each individual- each team member- is to become the kind of person who can maximize his or her contribution an push the team forward to fulfull its mission. The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player can help you meet that challenge by helping you develop into a true team player.

As in previous books, John Maxwell teaches by taking a look at what works. He examines the triumphs of wiining team players such as Quincy Jones, Ronald Regan, Bob Taylor (founder of Taylor guitars), and many others, identifying the character traits that brought success their way. Learn how qualities such as discipline, enthusiasm, communication, preparation and commitment in individuals can improve a team's effectiveness as a whole.

Teamwork is an integral part of business, family, church, and recreation. By guiding you to improve your value as a team member, The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player can have a positive impact on every part of your life.

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Posted by: NWare
Getting Excited About Data- Combining People, Passion and Proof to Maximize Student Achievement

Getting Excited About Data builds upon the bestselling first edition to provide additional guidance and support for educators who are "ready, willing and able" to explore more sophisticated uses of data. New tools and activities facilitate active engagement with data and a collaborative culture of collective responsibility for the learning of all students.

Precise and on target, this excellent new resource enables educators to effectively use their schools' data to respond to the challenges of the No Child Left Behind Act, providing:

A knowledge base emphasizing the role of data in school effectiveness and successful change; A focus on tapping the professional passion of dedicated educators who want to work for the benefit of students from an intrinsic motivation prespective; Group activities that energize people in collaboratiave efforts; Key questions to identifiy sources of the proof of success necessary to stimulate confidence and further action; A clear understanding of the need for "up close, in real time: assessment to balance high stakes, external tests; and Information on how to utilize data to establish priorities and integrate accountability requirements with goals that are data based and grounded in school values.

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Posted by: NWare
Friday, February 10, 2006

How Do I Teach This Kid?

Visual work tasks for beginning learners on the autism spectrum is the first in a series of books designed to share ideas for using visual strategies to teach children with autism. This resource provides special education teachers, therapist, parents, and home-based therapists with practical, easy-to-implement ideas for creating over 80 different work tasks or boxes to be used to teach stuents to work independently and for an established length of time. This book contains classroom and home-testes ideas for addressing skills in six different areas: sorting, matching, reading writing, mathematics and motor tasks. The ideas are designed for early learners, ages two to ten. Other books in the series will focus on teaching young learners beginning reading, writing, math skills and appropropriate play skills using visually structured techniques.

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Posted by: NWare
How Full Is Your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life

How did you feel after your last interaction with another person? Did that person- your spouse, best friend, coworker, or even a stranger- "fill your bucket" by making you feel more positive? OR  Did that person "dip from your bucket," leaving you more negative than before?

This book reveals how even the briefest interactions affect your relationships, productivity, health and longevity. Organized around a simple metaphor of a dipper and a bucket, and grounded in 50 years of research, this book will show you how to greatly increase the positive moments in your work and your life- while reducing the negative.

Filled with discoveries, powerful strategies, and engaging stories, How Full Is Your Bucket? is sure to inspire lasting changes and has all the makings of a timeless classic.  


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Posted by: NWare
Modified on February 10, 2006 at 2:38 PM
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