Craft Lessons, the final reading

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    Craft Lessons, the final reading covers the topics which will further enhance student writing. Students can learn through the sample lessons to refine and improve their writing. The topics include lessons on character conflict, using flashbacks to make plot more interesting, improving setting descriptions, shaping and slowing down the actions, improving transitions, and experimenting with irony and symbolism. In every lesson, the tie between reading and writing is evident and lessons have been based in quality children's literature.

     The information gained in Craft Lessons has caused some thought about the importance of creating an environment where writing is frequent and rewriting is a natural part of the writing process. Students need to practice daily writing and work on a piece of writing to improve it. Student conferences about their writing has helped to focus my students this year on the importance of creating a publishable product that fits the purpose of the assignment. Having students correct each others and their own writing with verbal feedback has created better written works. Entertwining reading and writing and creating a opportunity for students the read and respond to quality literature and to identify and discuss the literary devises of authors is absolutely essential in enhancing student writing.


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