Revisiting the Reading Workshop (Chapters 1-3)

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The Reading Workshop model describes things familiar and unfamiliar in classrooms I have visited as a media specialist.  It harkens back to “whole language” with its use of trade books, big books and lots of independent reading.  It correctly follows the guidelines for encouraging the reading of nonfiction. Yet it does seem to have a more defined approach with specific steps of a mini-lesson, read aloud, independent reading, conferring, response, and reflection.  It advocates a love of reading and books, as opposed to reading as a task.  I can surely support that.

From what I have read so far, I can see elements that some of my teachers already use.  They could easily transition to this model if they decide it is appropriate.  I use some of the modeling techniques when I read aloud during story time for K-2 students.  I can certainly add more of those techniques as I learn more and as time allows.  I think my teachers would help me do this.  While the emphasis is definitely on classroom libraries (The school and public libraries are mentioned only in passing.), as usual, I will want to be helpful to my teachers and students.  I also see my role for a few teachers as a model of how to read aloud, which should only be done after practicing the story.  I have already jumped ahead to the bibliography of children’s literature in the back of the book.  Many of the listed titles that we do not already own will make on to my next book order.  This may be an opportunity to plug for more of my teachers to use the Safari online catalog and of course the public library.  And finally, I can provide sources for items to help in the organization of classroom libraries.

I do have a more than a few questions about beginning any new program.  Do programs like AR fit in at all, or are they the very antithesis of the Reading Workshop?  Would it mean an increase or decrease in library media funding?  Would it mean an increase or decrease in library media center circulation?  Do the authors mention school library media centers again in the book?  I suppose those questions can wait until I have read more.

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