Entries "February 2006":

Monday, February 20, 2006

Classroom Management

            Students and teachers both have the responsibility of contributing to classroom management. Mutual respect speaks volumes here! Developing this sense of responsibility requires great effort on the teacher's part,but can be done with the correct strategies.

            Getting off to a good start at the beginning of the school year is critical. Early in the year is the best time to make a lasting impression and create enthusiasm among students. Reinforcement of classroom rules and procedures throughout the year will help to maintain success.

            This last chapter has to do with something I believe we do pretty well at East Central. Schoolwide classroom management actually filters down from the office to the classrooms. Everyone's on the same page.

                                                                                                                                                    pp. 76-115

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Posted by: TBright    in: My entries
Wednesday, February 15, 2006


              Any successful classroom relies on the relationship of students and teachers. A good teacher will skillfully get across to the students his/her dominant role as leader as well as relate to them his/her concerns for each of them and the success of the  class as a whole. Some high-need students may be hard to reach, but they can be reached with special effort.  Withitness, the ability to identify and quickly act on potential behavior problems and emotional objectivity, the ability to interact with students in a businesslike, matter-of -fact manner are very important characteristics for success. Applying negative consequences for bad behavior could get tough here. I get bull-headed here because I am in the dominant role!      pp. 41-75                                                                                                                                                                                   

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Posted by: TBright    in: My entries
Wednesday, February 8, 2006


          I don't think it's a big secret that classroom teachers influence student achievement. Instructional strategies, curriculum designs, and classroom management techniques are the foundation for any success in the classroom. This book contains many studies that support this.   All of the appropriate procedures are set in place from classroom rules and  behavioral expectations to positive and negative consequences for good and bad behavior. A good record-keeping system to keep track of student behavior is important. It's also important to involve students in the design of classroom rules and procedures.   pp. 1-40.

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Posted by: TBright    in: My entries