Entries "March 2006":

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Revisiting Reading Workshop 4-6


                      The chapters  4-6 give the would be reading workshop doer a clear guide to the effective procedures, strategies for choosing the right book, reading conferences, Reading strategies and skills instruction, and the lesson plans to go with the teaching. This is all an excellent way to be a teacher of reading. All of these strategies have been around a long time. I do most of them. I have found a very effective way to make all of these strategies work in my fifth grade. I guess that is why my test scores are out front of most of the other schools in our system. I'm sure that there are always more ways two improve. I will continue to practice all of the suggestions found in the book. I know my 5th grade readers appreciate my enthusiasm. The thank you notes from the parents of my children are great research documentation that I know what I am doing. Good reading!

arry on!

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Posted by: TByrd    in: My entries
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Revisiting The reading Workshop Chapters 1-3


                       The ideas in this book are excellent. Most of them are ideas that have been used by me for many years. The ideas that I do are: Mini-lesson and read aloud, response and reflection, on- task behaviors, classroom library, book nooks, and Keep Parents Informed.   I do regard my organization and materials to be superior to anything that I've come to know so far. The research for my program is very positive.  Data for successful reading lessons are found in all testing results. The format for teaching my way was given to me by progressive educators of the early 1970s. The authors of the book seem to have had some of the same influences that I had in college.

I do most of what reading workshop suggests. I will continue to do all of these things to the best of my ability. I hope that everyone agress that adaptation to the needs of a student are very necessary. It is important to be flexible. Reviews and enrichment opportunities come in different forms and at unexpected opportunities.  No teacher should be tied to a format that keeps the teacher and student from excelling. Great ideas.

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Posted by: TByrd    in: My entries