Fish! Sticks

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THis story begins with Rhonda, a lady who was recently promoted to a new job at the local hospital.  Rhonda's self confidence weakens each day because she feels that she isn't as capable as the previous manager, Madeline.  MAdeline was well known around the hospital.  People enjoyed working with her and often transferred from other places just to be working under her management.  MAdeline was credited for bringing some light to the dismal neuro ward.  When Madeline decided to take a new job, Rhonda was chosen to take her place.  SInce the change, Rhonda has felt that the "brightness' of the neuro ward has faded because the employees don't seem as happy.  One employee has even asked for a transfer.  Rhonda feels that the reason for the changes is directly related to her management.  SHe doesn't feel up to par.

I think this book reminds me of when new teachers are exposed to new classrooms in which they aren't really familiar.  moving schools or even grade levels may make a teacher feel insecure about their capabilities.  It also reminds me of new "management" a.k.a. new principal.  SOme employees may feel differently with new principals.  Some that are set in their ways may be hesitant to change, even resistant at times.  Change is going to happen though.

Everything comes down to how people can work together for the good of the school, hospital, factory, etc....      MOrale needs to be high in order for positive things to happen. 

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