Week 2

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Week 2, Chapters 4 through 6

Chapter 4 outlines how the teacher should spend the first month of reading workshop, specifically how to help learn the processes of reading workshop. Time must be spent in extablishing routines and procedures. Students learn the parts of reading workshop and how it is carried out in the classroom. The chapter also gives a 20 days of mini-lessons that should be taught the first month.

In Chapter 5, outlines the strategies and skills for the mini-lesson. It talks about determining the skill to be taught, planning the lesson, the follow-up lesson and the evaluation of the skill taught. It also gives a listing of appropriate childrens' books that can be used to teach these mini-lessons as well as an example (script) of an actual lesson. In addition, this chapter talks about the eight key reading strategies.

Chapter 6 outlines the literary elements that students should be taught during the year, including character, setting, plot, theme, story patterns, etc. The chapter also give examples of childrens' books that you the teacher can use in your classroom to teach these elements. It also covers the topics of literary techniques that the teacher should cover during the year, including character description, organization, rhyme, rhythm and repetition, use of dialogue. Childrens' books are listed to help the teacher teach those literary techniques.  Examples of mini-lessons are provided for both.

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