Revisiting the Reading Workshop, Chapters 7-8

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Chapter 7 is all about the most important part of Reading Workshop -- the independent reading time. It talks about the practices and behaviors teachers should expect from  students during this reading time. Several things are key: the teacher fostering a love of reading, creating an orderly environment, helping students choose appropriate books, and guiding students as they read through story chats, guided reading and flexible grouping. This chapter talks about how to confer with students to get the most out of the conference time.


Chapter 8 talks about how to effectively assess students during the Reading Workshop. Assessment should be ongoing and should match instruction. Assessment should drive what is taught. One of the best ways to assess reading is to listen to a child read. Other ways to assess include anecdotal records and checklists, running records, oral and written retellings, and error analysis. Rubrics used during Reading Workshops are also helpful.


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