Entry 1, Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, Grades K-3

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The book I am reading is "Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Grades K-3." Chapter 1 deals with the idea of student-centered mathematics, which is different from the drill-and-practice form of teaching math. Lessons deal with problem-solving activities and children are challenged to construct their own meaning to the lesson -- a work-it-out-in-your-own-way deal. In other ways, there is more than one way to get to the understanding of the skill. This way of learning helps students understand why they do a process a certain way, not just how to do it. One thing I found interesting in this chapter was about using manipulatives in the correct manner. In second grade we frequently use manipulatives, but we oftentimes teach the students how to use them. Therefore, are the students really understanding the concept and constructing meaning for themselves or are they just learning the process that you teach them?

Chapter 2 deals with developing a number sense in students. This is so important because oftentimes kids learn how to do the math, but they don't understand basic number sense.  Just watch a second grader who can't find page 55 in his English book or doesn't know what one more than 8 is without counting on his fingers, and you know that kid doesn's have basic number sense. This chapter gives loads of helpful student-based activities to use to develop number sense.

Chapters 3 and 4 talked about helping students learn about how to solve story problems and master basic math facts. I really enjoyed these two chapters because we spend a lot of time onthis in second grade. We attended a math in-service earlier this year where we participated in many of these activities, such as using a ten-frame to solve math facts. I was intriqued by these activites and how I could implement them in my classroom so reading this portion helped me revisit and learn more about those activities. 

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