Chapters 9-12, Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics

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Chapter 9 deals with the various ways that you can teach measurement concepts to students. The author talks about  how important it is that students understand the attribute that is being measured. Students must also understand how they will measure each item to ensure success and what measurement tools will be used to measure each item. I found this chapter interesting because in second grade with deal mostly with using rules to measure with inches and centimeters. This chapter was helpful -- this book in general -- because there are loads of learning activities that you can try out in your classroom. I was especiallyed interested in the activities that help with estimating measurements because this is a difficult skill for the young child.

Chapter 9 deals with early fraction concepts. Students must be able to understand that fractions are part of a whole and consist of equal-size portions. We use a lot of the hands-on activities from this chapter already in second grade, particularly using pattern blocks, rods, models, etc. Many of the activities in this chapter went beyond what is carried out in second grade, such as adding and multiplying fractions.

Chapter 10 covers helping children use data. I feel like we do a pretty good job doing this through our math program, especially collecting data and graphing information. I like several activities, such as Activity 11.2 called "Guess My Rule." Students love to learn through learning games and riddles.  Chapter 12 talkes about developing probability concepts, which is something that we don't addresss until the end of second grade. This is a hard concept for second graders because they think in such concrete terms.  It is hard for them to understand that "chance has no memory and that the outcomes of prior trials have no impact on the next trial." Some second graders undrestand this, but others do not.

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