The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player, chapters 7-17

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    So here are the other essential qualities:
  • 7. Relational. If you can get along with others, they will get along with you. A simple, yet effective motto. In order to get along with others you have get and give respect, share experiences, and develop trust. It's important to be reciprocal. One sided relationships don't work for long.
  • 8. Self-improving. To me this is a lot like enlarging. You can make the team better by making yourself a better person. To do this you can become a highly teachable person then plan and chart your progress. It's also important to value self-improvement over self-promotion. There is a big difference.
  • 9. Be selfless. There is no I in the word team. If you want to be part of a successful team, you have to put others ahead of yourself. Avoid the politics of the group because it can be destructive to the group. Giving secretly to others is a way to be a selfless person.
  • 10. Solution oriented. Everyone has heard the old saying, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." This is soooo true. Pointing fingers, laying blame, and accusing others does nothing to solve the problem. Analyze the situation, try to fix it, and move on. This is can be very hard, though, for children and adults. Remember that problems that seem big now often are nothing as time passes so keep things in perspective.
  • 11. Be tenacious. This quality is my favorite one because it reminds me of my father-in-law, an ex-football player turned coach who believed in a positive mental attitude and a never-give-in attitude. He and my husband would get into these pep rally type screaming matching where they would yell, "Never, ever give up." Sounds crazy, but they it would get them motivated.
    • 12. Prepared. Isn't this the Boy Scout motto? Or is it the Marines? Anyway, I really liked the quote, "Better to prepare than repair." In order to be effective, though, you have to know what to prepare for, know how you should be preparing, and have a good attitude about preparing.
      • 13. Relational. If you can get along with others, they will get along with you. A simple, yet effective motto. In order to get along with others you have get and give respect, share experiences, and develop trust. It's important to be reciprocal. One sided relationships don't work for long.
      • 14. Self-improving. To me this is a lot like enlarging. You can make the team better by making yourself a better person. To do this you can become a highly teachable person then plan and chart your progress. It's also important to value self-improvement over self-promotion. There is a big difference.
    • 15. Be selfless. There is no I in the word team. If you want to be part of a successful team, you have to put others ahead of yourself. Avoid the politics of the group because it can be destructive to the group. Giving secretly to others is a way to be a selfless person.
      • 16. Solution oriented. Everyone has heard the old saying, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." This is soooo true. Pointing fingers, laying blame, and accusing others does nothing to solve the problem. Analyze the situation, try to fix it, and move on. This is can be very hard, though, for children and adults. Remember that problems that seem big now often are nothing as time passes so keep things in perspective.
      • 17. Be tenacious. This quality is my favorite one because it reminds me of my father-in-law, an ex-football player turned coach who believed in a positive mental attitude and a never-give-in attitude. He and my husband would get into these pep rally type screaming matching where they would yell, "Never, ever give up." Sounds crazy, but they it would get them motivated.

LaughingYEAH - This is the end of my blogging for this year!!!!!!!!!!!!





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